The Science of Dewdrops
There is a wonderfully nulti-coloured male frog, in some rain forest, somewhere extremely remote, that when there aren't enough females around to procreate with, they transform, and, become a female. The reverse is also true, but there, the natural tendency is to be male. Books of scholarship explain of enzymes and such, regardless of our imaginations, the species survives.
There is a splendid worm (most, actually), on some metaphoric wet sidewalk after a spring rain, that is male on one end and female on the other. They need no transformation, because whichever role it needs to play, it's ready. The biological studies refer to species survival, I say, “Isn't that too fucking cool!”
Female praying mantises and black widow spiders are renowned for their infamous male destruction and callous disregard for their kind. Conventional wisdom dictates gender domination and an unusually aggressive female behaviour When, in fact, the act is an erotic reflex accident to slower, than need be, male spiders and similar brethren
Bonobo are one of the most peaceful, unaggressive species They use sex as greetings, a mean of solving disputes, making up for fights, and as favours in exchange for food. They tongue kiss, engage in oral sex, mutual masturbations, and the males even have a strange "penis fencing" ritual. Darwinists explain we share similar genes but cannot understand why the ape stopped evolving.
Many think a Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction is worthy of our universal attention, and, gay marriage is a more immoral act than electrically frying a strapped person from the inside out. Showing a male nipple is different than a female and, even though, we're all of human kind, in some bizarre sociological apartheid, we're different
And, that my friends, is the science of dewdrops
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