DeviantLives now offers automated auctions and this feature is available to all room owners as part of their annual subscription. Over the years I have seen various auctions in chat and the most common ones are AV auction. All auctions require a lot of people coordinating and recording information and lets be honest, they aren't always run with complete honesty. So I decided lets automate this and make it easy. You can auction anything using this system.
Setting up an Auction
- Log on to your admin screen
- Add a new registered user for your room. This user will be your auctioneer. You will need this user's username and password later on.
- Make sure one of your registered user's has the permission to "Run Auctions". try and limit this to 1 user. This is not the same user as the one you just created.
- Then scroll towards the end of the admin screen and you will see a section that says "Enter Auction data here:"
In here you will type, though I suggest you type this elsewhere and then copy and paste, the following information:
AUCTIONEER_CHATNAME|Name for your Auctioneer. It can be an AV code
AUCTIONEER_USERNAME|username for the auction user. Example Auctioneer
AUCTIONEER_PASSWORD|Password for the auction user
AUCTION_WELCOME|Welcome message from the auctioneer when it enters the room. Example: Hello! The auction starts in about 90 seconds.
AUCTION_BID_INTRO_TEXT| Message displayed before each item. Example: The next item is..
AUCTION_BID_COMPLETE_TEXT| Message displayed after each item. Example: Congratulations to the lucky winner
AUCTION_FAREWELL|Message displayed at the end of the auction. Example: Thank you for attending the auction.
ITEMS| A comma separated list of items to be auctioned. It can be names, AV images etc. Example: a,b,c,d,e
MIN_VALUE| Minimum price for an item. Must be greater than 0. Example: 1
MAX_VALUE| Maximum price for an item. Example:500
BIDDING_TIME| Number of seconds people have to bid for an item. Example 90
INTERVAL_TIME| Number of seconds before the next item is auctioned. Example 5
Now click save on the Admin screen.
Running an Auction
Enter your room by logging on as the user that has "Run Auction" permissions. Most likely this will be you. When you are ready to start the auction type @AUCTION START and enter. In a few moments the auctioneer you setup will log on and conduct the auction. At the end of the auction the auctioneer will list all the items and their winners.
Good Luck!!!