Friday, July 29, 2022

New features being released

 At DeviantLives I believe there should always be changes and enhancement to the site to make your chatting experience better.  Here are some changes on their way:

  1. Improved admin panel user interface to make it easier for you to add mods and register users for your room
  2. When registering a user you can choose whether they can boot someone from your room and if they can post videos.  So now either you or some selected users can be granted boot permissions and they can do so right from the chat screen.
  3. Type commands as an alternative to using your mouse and clicking on config or going to the mod screen.  For example in the message box you can type commands such as:
    1. To change your av: @av av_code
    2. To change your av just using an image url (no AV string or code): @av simple image_url
    3. To play a youtube video, make sure you select "All" (if you select a person then the video will play only for that person): @video play youtube_url (Room owner should have granted you permission to do so and you have to log in as a room member).  Youtube urls must be in one of two formats:
      1. To play a single video.  Note the bold and colored part of the URL:
      2. To play a youtube playlist:
    4. To toggle off the youtube screen: @video off (Room owner should have granted you permission to do so and you have to log in as a room member).
    5. To boot someone select the person to be booted then type: @boot number_of_minutes (Room owner should have granted you permission to do so and you have to log in as a room member)
  4. Yes... Another server change.  When the time comes I will send all room owners  an email on what to expect.